What we Do

Our mission is to help customers with their data and research needs in a fun and collaborative way. This often takes the form of data products, like:

Reproducible Reports

Your reports. Your company's or client's formatting. Automated. No more Monday morning or Friday afternoon churn! Reports that repeat over time or over multiple kinds of projects, products, or services can be a real drain on your valuable time. Let's identify your needs and the best software solution to reduce this drain.

Web Applications

Do you want to be able to manipulate or share your data or results, but not have to figure out how to set it up? Open source solutions, like Shiny applications for R make web applications accessible to everyone - well, everyone who knows how to code them up. Do you need something shiny?

Data Crunching

You've got a problem, a question, or a bunch of data that you think might be valuable, but you aren't sure where to start. Let's work together for solutions.


Do you have data or use data that updates frequently? Need simple visualizations? Let's find a solution, so you can get a pulse on things and get back to what you do best, like manage your business, pet dogs, or weave baskets underwater (not judging).

Excel VBA

Do you need to automate processing of data but keep it in Excel? First, yes, Excel still uses VBA. Second, yes, you can use it to avoid (even improve upon) the copy, paste, and hope recipe so common in Excel spreadsheets. Let's reduce the risk for errors and make the path from inputs to outputs clearer.

Packaged Code

Your resident hackers created a temporary solution in python or R, but it isn't easy to follow or reproduce. This is fixable! Let's clean and package that code, so you can use it again.